Whitelisting means you add our e-mail addresses to a list of approved senders. This lets your e-mail provider or software know that you know who we are and you want to get our messages. Below has specific instructions from some of the most common e-mail providers on how to do this.

Because we use different e-mails to send different kinds of information to our customers based on their subscriptions and preferences, you will want to add all of the following e-mails to your whitelist:




To ensure the Leading Trader video newsletters reach your inbox:

1. Open your latest Leading Trader email.
2. Click reply
3. Click send

Hotmail Mail

To ensure the Leading Trader video newsletters reach your inbox:

To put anybody who you email on your Outlook whitelist automatically:

In Outlook 2013:

1. Open Mail in Outlook.
2. Make sure the HOME tab on the ribbon is active and visible.
3. Click Junk in the Delete section.
4. Select Junk E-mail Options… from the menu that appears.

In Outlook 2007:

1. Select Actions | Junk E-mail | Junk E-mail Options… from the menu.
2. Go to the Safe Senders tab.
3. Make sure Automatically add people I e-mail to the Safe Senders List is checked.
4. Click OK.
2. Click Options in the upper right hand corner
3. Go to the section labelled “Preventing junk email”
4. Select Safe and blocked senders.
5. Select Safe senders.
6. In the space provided, enter news@leadingtrader.com
7. Click Add to list

Yahoo Mail

To ensure the Leading Trader video newsletters reach your inbox:

1. Open your Yahoo mailbox
2. Click Mail Options
3. Click Filters.
4. Next, click Add Filter
5. In the top row, labeled From header: make sure contains is selected in the drop-down menu
6. Click in the text box next to that pull-down menu, then enter news@leadingtrader.com
7. At the bottom, where it says Move the message to: select Inbox from the drop-down menu.
8. Click the Add Filter button again.

AOL General

To ensure the Leading Trader video newsletters reach your inbox:

1. Go to Keyword Mail Controls.
2. Select the screen name we’re sending your e-newsletters to.
3. Click Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name.

AOL Version 9.0

1. Open your latest Leading Trader email
2. Click the Add Address button (on the right side) to add the Leading Trader video newsletter address to your “People I know” list.
3. Click Save at the bottom of the window

AOL Version 8.0

1. Select Allow email from all AOL members, email addresses and domains
2. Click Next until the Save button shows up at the bottom
3. Click Save.

Other Mail Clients

Many other popular email programs, including Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Thunderbird, and Netscape Mail, don’t provide a convenient way for you to whitelist addresses. If you’re using one of these types of email systems and either aren’t getting your Leading Trader email or want to make sure you continue to receive your email in the future you can contact customer service at your Internet Service provider (ISP). Explain to them that Leading Trader emails are not spam. Ask them if they can whitelist the email. They’ll probably ask you for some information about us. Here’s what to tell them…

Sending Address: If they ask for our address, give them the following addresses:



Domain: If they need to know the domain we are mailing from tell them:  leadingtrader.com

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